This coming Friday marks two years since trains started shuffling along the first baseboard of my model railway. Stage 1 of the build involved a 9m x 3m loop, plus a 25m branch line. It took an entire year to get that first stage up and running semi-satisfactorily.
There is always stuff in your head about how things will work once the track and electrics are down and dusted. As I will be operating the layout solo for 99% of the time I always figured on dispatching one train around the loop, then shunting up another ready for dispatch once the 'looped' train re-emerged. It sorted of worked in reality, but most of the time I found myself stopping the looped train so I could catch up.
Although the 'train shed' is really a 'farm shed' and needs to be used as such, I couldn't help noticing the lovely empty walls around the remainder of the shed. So Stage 2 of the build has taken almost another year but those lovely walls are now less bald. A shelf layout circles around the other two thirds of the shed (call it my Covid lock down project), and then into some storage yards.
It is a bit indulgent but now I have five to eight minutes of 'me time' after I dispatch a train onto the Big Loop. I can get coffee, make a call, text a friend and just, just remarshal the next train for dispatch. One day in the future, if I want to be real fancy, separate trains can go out on the Little Loop and the Big Loop. Not sure I am up for that just yet, though.
I still have a ton of work to complete Stage 2 - sidings, electrics and even some baseboard improvements. That is before the scenicing. But, a little before 3pm today, five days before the second anniversary of the layout, 4701 hauled a short passenger service around the Big Loop. It is seen here shortly thereafter, still looking a little dusty after being caught in the locus of the exhaust of my table saw several weeks back.
As I said nearly two years ago, this is no big matter in the scheme of things. But it is a hell of a big day in my next of the woods. The family may even get Chinese takeaway to celebrate this milestone.
Congrats, slow going is working for you and its your railway. Enjoy it and the Chinese feed.